Calculate Area of Square, Area of Parallelogram, Area of Trapezoid, Area of Circle and Area of Ellipse

Here are some formulas to calculate Area of Square, Area of Parallelogram, Area of Trapezoid, Area of Circle and Area of Ellipse...

Note :-  a =  Side of a square.
             b =  Breadth.
             h =  Height.
             r =  Radius

Square = a 2

Parallelogram = b*h

Trapezoid = 1/2* (b1 + b2)*h

Circle = π r 2

Ellipse = π r1 r2   

Click on the Buttons to find Area of Square, Area of Parallelogram, Area of Trapezoid, Area of Circle and Area of Ellipse.

1) Click on the button to find the

2) Click on the button to find the

3) Click on the button to find the

4) Click on the button to find the

5) Click on the button to find the

Note : I have considered the value of π upto 3.14159265 in the above programs.


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