How to find whether a number is divisible by 6 ?

To check whether the number is divisible by 6 requires two step

Step 1 :  To check whether the number is divisible by 2.

Step 2 :  Sum up the digit and check whether it is divisible by 3.

For example : 138

Step 1 : 138 is divisible by 2 as 8 is divisible by 2....

Step 2 : 1  +  3  +  8  = 12  which is divisible by 3....

As the number satisfy both the steps the number is divisible by 6

Note : To know more about numbers divisible by 3 click here...

Lets take a bigger number 27402

Step 1 : 27402 is divisible by 2 as 2 is divisible by 2 in the unit's place...

Step 2 : 2  +  7  +  4  +  0  +  2  = 15  as 15 is divisible by 3...

As the number satisfy both the steps the number 27402 is divisible by 6...

Note  :  Even if one of the above step is missing then the number is not divisible by 6...


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