Kaprekar Number 6174
- Select any four digit number, but do not select the numbers like 1111, 2222, 3333,...
- Arrange the digits in decreasing order.
- Now arrange the digits in ascending order.
- Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
- Repeat the steps until you get 6174 in repetition.
Step 1:- Arranging the digits in descending order we get 4321.
Step 2:- Arranging the digits in ascending order we get 1234.
Step 3:- Subtract 1234 from 4321 = 4321 - 1234 = 3087.
Step 4:- Arranging the digits in descending order we get 8730.
Step 5:- Arranging the digits in ascending order we get 0378.
Step 6:- Subtract 0378 from 8730 = 8730 - 0378 = 8352.
Step 7:- Arranging the digits in descending order we get 8532.
Step 8:- Arranging the digits in ascending order we get 2358.
Step 9:- Subtract 2358 from 8532 = 8532 - 2358 =6174
Step 10:- Arranging the digits in descending order we get 7641.
Step 11:- Arranging the digits in ascending order we get 1467.
Step 12:- Subtract 1467 from 7641 = 7641 - 1467 = 6174.
You will find that all four digit number using kaprekar rule will reach the number 6174
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